Village Evangilism
Pastor Mohan and team went to Village Outreach
" A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new… India discovers herself again." - J. L. Nehru
Calvary Faith Ministry celebrated 69th Independence Day with children. Every citizen of India is well aware that 15 August is the day when India got its independence from British rule to become a free country. The day is celebrated all over in unity with great patriotism. The celebration started off with decoration of the center in hues of tricolor, and ballons , caps were distributed to the children followed by flag hoisting.
Towards creating a healthier society by popularizing preventive measures, Calvary Faith Ministry organizes awareness programs on various issues of health and hygiene. For this purpose, we makes use of visual media which communities are familiar with … like street plays, Kalajatha, puppet shows etc. Another strategy employed is involving children and youth in awareness programs like rallies, debates etc. because, children are the best messengers to carry the message to their parents, family and other community members. Health-weeks and health camps are also generally organized in villages for different age groups.
Every month Calvary Faith Ministry distributing food packets to street beggars in the Guntur city. The people in the slum colony are extremely poor and hardly have one meal a day. Their children also wander around begging for food and money.
They all gathered together excitedly to collect their food packets and expressed their gratitude towards the church for caring for them. Calvary Faith Ministry shows compassion to the most-neglected, hungry and needy by meeting life’s most basic needs.
Winters this years are being more chilling than last year. We could not imagine even to step on roads this winters with socks and shoes. However we have seen people sleeping on roads sides on bare ground stuffing themselves into rag bags to keep themselves warm. Have seen people sleeping between dogs sharing each other’s warmth. It was not a good scene to see people struggling to fight winters. Thankfully we were able to at-least do what was within our possibility by distributing blankets.