Village Evangilism
Pastor Mohan and team went to Village Outreach
In India there 4635 people groups and nearly 4000 castes and we want to reach them at any cost. Sending missionaries to unreached places to plant churches in tribal and rural villages. By the grace of our Lord, we have been helped by Him in planting churches where the name of the Lord Jesus Christ had not been heard at least once. They were many Challenges, sufferings and sacrifices behind all the churches that came up for His glory.
Presently, there are seven places of worship at different places, The six churches do not have a permanent building for worship, as some assemble in rented homes / buildings or some have a piece of land donated by a devoted believer. Sometimes a thatched hut made of mud and leaves comes up where people worship. During the rains, water enters the place making it impossible for conducting a service.
This involves pioneer church planting outreaches and providing spiritual support to existing local churches . These are men and women of God, with a sincere commitment to share the gospel with their fellow countrymen. These men and women need regular support to fulfill the mission of evangelizing among their people group. Especially in India when people accept Jesus Christ they face many challenges, troubles and even may be rejected in the community, they often face severe persecution, and at times they lose educational and employment benefits from the government for accepting Jesus as their Savior. Your aid is needed! Hence if you consider, please pray and support.
We invite you to become a part of the church today and a piece of its History tomorrow.